copyright (c) 2003 Thorsten Stärk


nach obenprocess 

Use project.bat (Windows) or (Unix), to transform the XML-files in this directory with documl.xsl and xhtmlxsl.xsl to HTML-files.

project.bat /

nach obenproject.bat / 

To compile this complete project from xml to html. Only change the xml-filess manually! Instant Saxon (for Windows) and Saxon (for Unix) can be found under If this compilation does not report any error, there are no errors in the xml-filles.


nach obenproject.xml 

Acts as content directory for this project.
Besides, the IDs determine the "back" and "forward" links in the upper left and the upper right of each article. The ID must be the same in project.xml and the article's file. Project.xml stores project options, for example the setting online="yes|no", that determines whether the project will be published directly (and perhaps include a link for downloading a zipped version without exactly that link).


nach obenxhtmlxsl.xsl 

Contains a list of XHTML-1.1-tags that shall be copied into the HTML-output.


nach obenTemplates 

Matches each XHTML-tag and copies it to the HTML-output. Uses include. Copies the XHTML-tags into the HTML-file.


nach obenmodelml.xsl 

Contains modelml0.30 (), that generates this document from its XML-file. See modelml-Site, uses xhtmlxsl.xsl.


nach obendocuml.xsl 

DocuML contains the tags that convert XML-files into XHTML-files.


nach obentodo 

- special file for the design of the HTML-files - HowTo for writing own XHTML-documents

copyright (c) 2003 Thorsten Stärk